
The Institute for Applied Heterotopia is the independent project team Grit Koalick & Stefan Becker with academic-artistic competences in communication and moderation, architecture and urbanism, sociology as well as media and cultural studies. Our focus is on imparting skills and approaches for actively shaping the future through workshops and lectures. We support institutions in change processes, sharpen goals and develop strategies for their realisation.

_ perspectives

In times of global transformation, individual constructive action for a better world counts. In order to be able to muster the necessary creative energy, intrinsic motivations are needed – be it utopias full of confidence and optimism, thinking with expertise and conviction or simply the exchange of exuberant ideas and daydreams.

We as IFAH want to give this positive action a concrete strategy, want to develop atmospheres of creative togetherness, want to generate spaces full of individual and shared ideas. These should be the starting point for the creation of “other places”, for heterotopias that aim to apply mental concepts to reality.

_ methods

We offer tried and tested methods such as workshops, lectures, urban walks and graphic recordings. We also document and visualise your ideas as drawings, image-text combinations and folding plans. You can find some examples of our previous projects in this blog. A possible event format could look like this:

Lecture, e.g. 60 minutes: Introduction of IFAH / presentation (analysis of a specific topic) / time for questions

Workshop, e.g. 4 hours: Presentation of IFAH / keynote speech (introduction to a specific topic) / time for questions / presentation of the workshop method / group work moderated by IFAH / joint evaluation of group work / capacity for questions and feedback

Urban Walk, e.g. 90 minutes: Presentation of IFAH / Presentation of the method / Guided urban walk (perception walk) / Capacity for questions and feedback

The methods can also be combined individually.

_ interested?

Simply use our contact form. We will be happy to suggest a suitable event format and prepare a customised offer.