Grit Koalick, Marga Leuthe and Maria Trunk invite you to a drawing workshop within the umundu Festival 2016 in Dresden. We are concerned with two questions: What could a vision of a sustainable, fair future look like? And how do we show that it is not only suitable for us, our district and our city, but also as an idea or solution for global challenges such as climate change?

The heterotopian vision of the conversion of the Quelle department store as part of a socially, ecologically and culturally shaped movement serves as input and we would like to transfer and draw our approach together with the workshop participants to the area behind the Leipzig train station in Dresden. The participants receive suggestions on how to present ideas spatially and how to relate them to other ideas. From many snippets – real snippets cut out with scissors and glue – we put together a large cooperative picture. Previous drawing knowledge is not absolutely necessary.